The basic processes of communication excellence that are being trained are classified Input Skills, Internal Representation Skills and Output Skills (Utilization Skills). Any higher-level pattern can be represented as an ordered sequence of the basic skill level chunks. 

The high-level skilled NLP Master Trainer can certify Trainers.

First and foremost, NLP Master Trainers are expected to demonstrate the integration of the NLP operational presuppositions into their thinking and behavior (both verbal and non-verbal).

In general, NLP Master Trainers are expected to demonstrate competency, versatility and finesse in utilizing the skills at the Trainer level of training. 

The NLP Master Trainer is one of a kind. This is when Christina Hall took NLP Trainer Training one level higher than anything that was taught and experienced in the world of NLP and Trainer Training.

Obviously, you have already learned a lot. And you know that there is always more. NLP Master Trainer builds on the Trainer Training building block by building block and sharpens your skills of calibration, audience response and presentation excellence brining you as a trainer to the next level. Set a different direction
and whole new course of action.

  • Explore the Basic skills of the Inner Game of training to strengthen and expand your core-capacities in ways that support, embellish and permeate your training style.
  • Discover the power of non-judgmental awareness based on the intention to be present and acknowledge whatever happens as an opportunity to create a potent, clear inner environment for focus, energizing a sense of wonder that expands the opportunities inherent in everyday life.
  • Experience the “Diamond Strategy” as a cooperation model to explore the polarities of opposites, creating a unified field that opens up a greater range of perspective and freedom in thinking and in action.
  • Design “Contrast Frames” for making instantaneous distinctions that accelerate and deepen learning.
  • Utilize the “Aikido Strategy” to pivot avoidance and the stressful into the interesting and attractive… transforming self-criticism and self-doubt into a source of possibility and opportunity to advance the training and learning process.
  • Add the Q.U.E.S.T. Model to your skill-set as a poly-contextual model for setting training and learning goals to actualize unrealized capabilities and bring greater potential into action in ways that enrich your experience and interactions with others.
  • Advance nested loops to the next level by incorporating the “Staircase Model” into your presentations and exercise design to expand your skills, creating connections and continuity through time in ways that build deep, cohesive and synergistic learning.
  • Unite the indispensable power of vision and purpose to communicate your passion and commitment with congruency in ways that make a difference in your life and in the lives of others, inspiring people to reach higher to put into action that which is most meaningful in their lives.
  • 1,000 hours of conducting NLP training after certification as a NLP Master Trainer (8 days minimum) awarded by Christina Hall, Ph.D. through the Society of NLP or Dr Doris.
    • A minimum of 500 hours of presenting NLP Practitioner training (beyond the 100- hour requirement for certification as NLP Trainer). (See list of criteria attached.)
    • A minimum of 500 hours of presenting NLP Master Practitioner level. (See list of criteria attached. The NLP Master Practitioner requires 12 days minimum including the 8 Meta Programs with profiling. If required, a re-take of the 12-day CS Master Practitioner.
  • Re-take the 12-day NLP Trainer Training of the Society of NLP a minimum of one time (two times preferred).
  • 20 hours Mentorship/Internship on how to conduct Trainer Training or as Conscious Solutions Trainer in Dr Doris Team.
  • Written Test: Description of the design of your Master Practitioner Training, including an analysis of the nested loops structure of your program design.
  • Video Project: Your entire presentation on Meta-Programs (including exercise instructions and/or handouts) during the Master Practitioner training, using the “Nested Loops Staircase Model,” from introduction (setting frames) to the closing of the Meta Program presentation. This includes the entire presentation on video (excluding only the actual time during which the participants are doing the
  • Applications of NLP technology: identify the structure and function of each technique; appropriate contextualization and generalization of change techniques; re-anchoring formats, reframing techniques and basic negotiation models, sub-modality technology, threshold patterns, adjusting threshold tolerance, Swish Patterns; and Future-Pacing techniques.