Born into a family of physicians that has continued for 1,200 years.
After graduating from university, she joined the Central Training Institute in the Human Resources Department at Shikishima Spinning Co., Ltd. During her seven-year tenure, she was in charge of employee training, from planning to implementation of corporate training programs, including those for affiliated companies.

Building on that experience, she went independent.
As an instructor at the Japan Industrial Training Association, she planned and conducted various training programs. Since then, she has been involved in the field of capacity-building education for over 40 years.

In 1993, together with Mr. Seiichi Mizuguchi, a leading researcher of the subconscious mind, she developed a potential-development program and provided training for various companies, including Kyocera, Autobacs, and P&G.
Around the age of thirty, she was forced into a life of medical treatment due to side effects from atopic dermatitis medication, which led her to discover the world of Eastern medicine for the first time. In addition, she was affected by the Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 and was diagnosed with cancer during the same period.

During her struggle with illness, she developed PTSD and became unable to leave her home.

In an attempt to recover, she tried the potential-development methods and counseling she had been teaching for over ten years, but saw no improvement and felt at a total loss.

At that time, on the recommendation of a Scottish friend, she began studying NLP in 1996. By doing so, she experienced a sudden and dramatic recovery—like a “V-shape” upturn—from a situation that had shown no sign of improvement, and she firsthand felt the astonishing effectiveness of NLP.

Wanting to spread this potential in Japan, she studied directly under the founders and obtained her NLP Trainer Certification in Los Angeles in 1998, thus playing a leading role in the early days of NLP in Japan.

From 2003 to 2006, she accompanied NLP co-founder Richard Bandler as a support trainer at his Trainers Training. She has also participated as a support instructor at Christina Hall’s Trainers Training from its inception in 2003 to the present.
In 2018, she became the first Japanese person (and the eighth worldwide) to be promoted to Master Trainer under Dr. Christina Hall of the Society of NLP (U.S.). She provides comprehensive instruction from NLP Practitioner courses through Trainers Training.

Currently, she has produced over 1,300 graduates of the NLP Practitioner course and over 800 graduates of the Master Practitioner course, as well as more than 200 Trainers (as of 2025).

Having overcome more than a decade battling side effects of medication and cancer, she acquired the knack of how to live life enjoyably. Drawing on her personal experiences, she is active every day in spreading NLP to as many people as possible as a foundational tool for realizing human potential, and in supporting people’s dreams.

In addition to her own teaching, she has invited a series of world-class figures to Japan, including Dr. Stephen Gilligan, a direct disciple of Dr. Milton Erickson, and Bill O’Hanlon.

Since 2007, she has invited and hosted Dr. Stephen Gilligan.

In 2018, she was appointed the representative of the Japan branch of the International Association for Generative Change (IAGC), co-founded by Robert Dilts—one of the foremost figures in the world—and Dr. Stephen Gilligan, a global authority on Ericksonian hypnosis.

Currently, in the linguistic domain derived from NLP, she also leads the study of language, beginning with Japan’s first LAB Profile Practitioner certification course held in 2007. True to her principle of “learning from the source,” she continues to expand her knowledge across a wide range of fields, including NLP, neuroscience, Western thought, and Eastern thought.

She also launched “Japanesque NLP,” in which she analyzes Japanese culture from an NLP perspective and promotes its application in daily life.

She has been teaching haiku in South Korea and performing in Kyogen plays for more than twenty years, and has successfully staged frequent performances in Paris.

In addition, she is engaged in spreading Japanese culture—such as mindfulness-based tea ceremony and haiku—worldwide. Along with fostering cultural exchange between East and West and addressing the subconscious mind, she advocates a leading-edge, holonic original consciousness culture.